Case Studies
Only a fraction of the states in the United States have deregulated markets to provide customers a choice in their power and gas purchasing. However, that doesn’t mean customers in a regulated market don’t have any choices. Through in-depth tariff analysis and forecasting Sable has saved customers millions of dollars in annual energy spend by optimizing the utility default tariff a customer is billed under.
Large national telecommunications requested Sable’s assistance to evaluate their utility tariff rates and verify that all accounts were on the most cost-effective rate available and reduce their energy cost.
Sable performed a thorough evaluation of the clients’ load and available rates provided by the utility company. This process is a very specialized manual process performed by specialized analysts who understand how utility rates are structured.
After calculating the annual energy cost for each rate and comparing them to each other, Sable was able to reduce the client’s energy cost significantly and provide them with multimillion-dollar savings on an annualized basis.